8 Exclusive Side Hustles For Writers

8 Exclusive Side Hustles For Writers

There was a time when writers used to earn peanuts. Nevertheless, over time, things have evolved. In the world of freelancing, writing is regarded as one of the best professions. However, that’s the only thing. There are so many side hustles for writers as well.

According to a report by ZipRecruiter, the average salary of a freelance writer is $63,213 per year in the US. Well, many individuals take up writing as a side hustle. As a full-time writer, you can actually choose a side hustle.

Being a freelance writer can be challenging sometimes. Well, the good thing is that there are several side hustles available right now. And it can be a good stream of income. Some writers actually make more money from their side businesses than from their main source of income. 

We researched and found some amazing side hustles for writers. Keep reading the article to learn more about these side hustles. Let’s get started. 

Best Side Hustles For Writers

Starting a writing business is easy in today’s world. There are numerous alternatives to working as a freelancer online. In the following list, we will share the best side hustles for writers. Let’s find out:

1. Niche Website

The advantage of being a writer is creating a website. According to reports, most freelance writers are working with various website owners and bloggers. In this case, starting your own blog may be the best option for earning passive income.

niche website Side Hustles For Writers

We don’t suggest creating a big website, as it will be challenging to handle. Here, a niche website or blog can be the perfect option. You can build an audience and share your knowledge at the same time.

Plus, you don’t have to hire a team for a niche website. After starting a content-based site, you can monetize it to generate income. Plus, you can also implement affiliate marketing and e-book sales.

2. Script Writing

The demand for scriptwriting is growing daily. Well, script writing is a huge domain, and you can choose a particular niche from here. The good part is you can take script writing as a side hustle.

YouTube is the best place to start your scriptwriting journey. There are a lot of YouTubers out there who are looking for a scriptwriter. Contrarily, you can even create scripts for different types of advertisements. 

Simply put, you can develop a full-time career in scriptwriting if you employ the appropriate strategies. According to a report, the average salary of a Youtube script writer is around $60,000.

3. Social Media Posts

When we are talking about the best side hustles for writers, social media posting takes a significant place on the list. Being a social media writer isn’t considered a full-time career in most cases. But it can be an ideal secondary income source.

social media writer Side Hustles For Writers

Writing a social media post doesn’t take a lot of time. Most company pages publish 1-3 posts on a daily basis. So, you can easily handle it with your full-time freelance career. If you have time and want to earn extra, you can work with multiple companies.

Besides writing social media posts, you can also become a social media manager or marketer with core skills. To get such gigs, visit some online freelancing marketplaces.

4. Editing & Proofreading

Proofreading is one of the best alternatives to freelance writing. In fact, an individual can be a professional proofreader and a writer at the same time. Well, proofreading and editing aren’t the same thing.

A proofreader’s job is to check the grammatical mistakes and spelling of a document. However, an editor needs more technical skills. Many website owners need an editor to edit and publish their articles.

You can start as a part-time editor or proofreader and grow your career. There are so many opportunities available in the market.

5. Transcriptionist

Besides proofreading or social media writing, transcription is one of the easiest side hustles for writers right now. In simple words, you have to translate audio into written words as a transcriptionist. 

For example, you have to translate a podcast into an article. You see, it’s an easy job as you don’t have much time to do research. However, you can generate a good profit with this side hustle. According to an official report, a transcriptionist earns on average $15-25 per hour. 

6. Copywriting

Without a doubt, copywriting is a demanding career in today’s world. The demand for copywriters won’t fade away in the near future. Besides being a full-time career option, copywriting can be a good side hustle as well.

Well, copywriting isn’t an easy career option, especially for newbie writers. You need strong writing skills to achieve success in this domain. However, there are tons of opportunities if you follow the right path.

To become a pro copywriter, you have to practice a lot. So, you can spend some time practicing copywriting alongside a full-time writing career. You can build a full-time career with copywriting.

7. Medium Writing

Medium is an excellent website, both for readers and writers. The best part of this online publishing platform is that you can get paid for your writing. According to a report, Medium received 60 million monthly visitors in 2016.

That means you can get a big audience if you implement the right techniques. Well, publishing on Medium is super easy. In fact, it’s a fantastic alternative to a niche website. However, this website doesn’t pay everyone yet. You have to meet the eligibility requirements to earn from Medium. 

8. Self Publishing

Self-publishing is an evergreen strategy for writers. So, we had to include it on the ‘best side hustles for writers’ list. You can always write a book, whether you’re a content writer or a screenwriter.

Working with a publishing house is not that simple, especially for a novice. The internet can save you in this situation. There are numerous websites that can assist you with e-book publication. Selling your e-book will likely net you a respectable sum.


As a freelancer, you can choose projects as per your preference. Still, if you have extra time, you can start a side hustle as well. The best part is that you can generate passive income with a side hustle. For more information, don’t forget to do some deep research.

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