7 Common Mistakes To Avoid As A Social Media Manager

7 Common Mistakes To Avoid As A Social Media Manager

Being a social media manager doesn’t require core skills, but it’s a high-pressure profession. We have seen many newbies, even experienced freelancers struggle while managing social media platforms. There are some common mistakes to avoid as a social media manager. And you don’t need to study rocket science in this case.

The demand for social media managers is too high right now, thanks to the growth of the digital world. According to a report, social media management is one of the most demanding jobs in the US, especially in New York. However, making mistakes is common among professionals.

When it’s about social media, it can be quite embarrassing to make mistakes. Well, you can avoid them by being extra careful. In this article, we will share some common mistakes you should avoid. Let’s get started.

Common Mistakes To Avoid As A Social Media Manager

Making a mistake as a social media manager isn’t that uncomfortable. Everyone makes mistakes when it comes to social networking sites. Still, you can avoid these things as much as possible. In the following list, we will share the common mistakes to avoid as a social media manager. Let’s find out:

1. No Research

This is a common mistake made by many newbie professionals. Social media is a place that needs a lot of research. From checking the latest trends to using the new feature, there are so many things you have to do. 

On the other hand, you also have to understand the audience’s needs. And it’s only possible by doing deep research. Well, you can change it by doing small research daily.

2. Typo

Making grammatical mistakes is common for creators. It’s not a big thing. Well, it happens because of different things. However, publishing a post with typos and grammatical mistakes isn’t a good thing, especially when you are working for a reputed brand. 

As a social media manager, you have to double-check everything. The good thing is there are some good AI-generated tools that can help you out. 

3. Not Scheduling Posts

Most social media portals have an outstanding feature. It’s called scheduling posts. As the name suggests, you can schedule all posts by using this feature. Well, you might know that every social site has an active period. 

That means the chance of getting more engagement is higher during this time. However, it’s not easy to maintain a manual schedule all the time. In that case, scheduling posts can be your savior. Plus, you will get the chance to edit these posts before publishing.

4. No Target Audience

All expert social media managers will agree with this point – the audience is the key factor of any social networking site. But you can’t work for a general audience. The conversion rate can be zero if you make this mistake. 

Mistakes To Avoid As A Social Media Manager

For example, if you want to sell a beauty product, you have to target those people who are genuinely interested in this topic. However, targeting the audience is quite easy at this moment. 

You have to understand the platform’s algorithm. Even though you are running ads, you have to post content for targeted groups. Eventually, it will increase the conversion rate.

5. Treating All Platforms The Same

This is probably one of the top mistakes to avoid as a social media manager. As we noted above, every social networking platform has a different algorithm. To get the best result, you have to decode this first.

When you treat all sites the same, it will be hard to get a satisfying result. So, before you start a project, make sure you observe everything. 

6. Choosing The Wrong Influencers

influencers marketing

Whether you want to promote a service or sell a particular product, social media influencers can help a lot. In that case, you have to choose influencers wisely. For example, if you want to sell a digital marketing course, you have to choose influencers who have the right audience. Do some research before sealing the deal with a public figure.

7. Being All Rounder

Being an all-rounder is one of the top mistakes to avoid as a social media manager. Yes, it’s essential to keep everything updated when it’s about social networking sites. But it can mess everything up. If you are good at creating videos, focus on those things. 

Similarly, if writing captions is your cup of tea, improve that skill instead of being the jack of all trades. In this case, you can even hire experts to get the best result.


You see, social media management is an amazing career. However, you have to be extra careful with everything. We have shared the top mistakes to avoid as a social media manager in this article. To know more about this, make sure you do some deep research.

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