How to Overcome Writer’s Block: Try These 5 Excellent Proven Methods

How to Overcome Writer’s Block

Whether it’s your profession or hobby, having writer’s block is quite common for writers. Well, it happens for so many reasons, situational, psychological, and even physical. If you are looking for how to overcome writer’s block, we are here to help you out.

Yes, there are some outstanding ways to get over this obstruction. Plus, you have to follow these steps attentively. In this guide, we will share our best methods to get rid of writer’s block. So, let’s get started.

What is Writer’s Block?

Writer’s block is a typical experience for writers when they feel stuck in the writing process. As we noted before, it depends on different situations. In fact, it can vary for individuals. As a result, you have to face multiple issues, especially when writing is your profession. However, the good thing is that you can easily overcome writer’s block by implementing some simple methods. 

How to Overcome Writer’s Block Easily

Be it an expert technique or a simple change of habit, you can ace your writing skills with the proper procedure. After doing our expert research, we found some incredible ways to improve your writing career. Keep reading the following section to discover how to overcome writer’s block easily:

1. Pomodoro Technique

The ‘Pomodoro Technique’ is an iconic method created by Francesco Cirillo. According to the official site, over 2 million people have used this method to improve their writing skills. As per Cirillo, writers are most productive in 25-minute blocks. 

In this case, you have to set a timer for 25 minutes and avoid all types of distractions. Here, you can also download an app to set the timer. Once you are done writing in 25 minutes, take a break. 

2. Make Writing a Habit

how to overcome writer's block

Sure, writing is your hobby, and you want to grow your career in it. A creative profession like writing needs a lot of dedication. And if you are not enjoying what you are doing, it will only affect your life.

Besides all these things, you can make writing a habit. Yes, it takes time and dedication to build a habit, especially when you are a newbie. But, you can get an excellent result as well. Once writing becomes your habit, it will go a lot smoother. 

3. Stay Away From Distraction

Distraction is one of the key reasons for writer’s block. When we are living in the digital age, getting distracted is quite common. As a freelancer, it can be a bit difficult when you are working from home. As a result, you have to suffer from writer’s block.

Well, there are multiple solutions if you want to stay away from distractions. For example, you can keep your phone on silent while writing. If you have a WFH format, choose a quiet place to increase your productivity. 

4. Read, Read, Read

How To Overcome Writer's Block

According to some studies, almost all writers are avid readers. A large number of writers suffer from writer’s block when they don’t have an idea. In this case, reading can be a gift for you. Yes, the more you read, the better you can get inspired.

As a freelance writer, reading is an essential task. So, try to invest a good amount of time in reading. Make it a habit to get the best outcome.

5. Do Other Things Than Writing

Sure, writing is your both passion and profession. But when we are talking about how to overcome writer’s block, you have to do other things as well. Most writers get bored when they are writing the whole day. And it can affect your writing. 

Practicing another art can work like magic. It can be singing, dancing, or even cooking. On the other hand, you can try out other activities such as hanging out with friends or going on a road trip; the choice is yours. A new hobby can keep you motivated. 


Even though writer’s block is common for writers, you still have to be productive in your profession. You wouldn’t want to miss deadlines as a freelance writer. That’s why you can implement some fantastic methods to overcome your writer’s block. If you need professional help, contact an expert for a better understanding.

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