How To Make Connections On Linkedin: 7 Effective Tips to Create a Pro Network

how to make connections on linkedin

Social media is an essential part of our daily lives. In that case, LinkedIn can be a game changer for growing your career. Using LinkedIn isn’t that hard. All you have to do is build a strong circle. In this guide, we will explore how to make connections on LinkedIn that can help you grow your career.

The Covid-19 pandemic wasn’t a curse for everyone. It opened various doors that led to success. For example, the concept of remote working wasn’t that popular before. However, the pandemic changed the whole structure. Social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter played a significant role here.

Networking is an amazing technique for growing a freelancing business. However, you need to build relationships with the right people. Keep reading this article and discover how to network on Linkedin.

How to Make Connections on LinkedIn

Founded in 2002, LinkedIn is a popular employment and business-focused social media platform. According to a report, this social networking portal has 900+ registered members in 2023. So, there are so many opportunities for freelancers.

Now, the question is; how to make connections on LinkedIn? This social site can be challenging for many people, especially newbies. In that case, you have to be alert about growing your freelancing business. 

Connecting with the right members can give you a better outcome. In the following section, we will explore some effective tips for creating a pro network on LinkedIn:

1. Personalize Connection Request

LinkedIn lets all users send connection requests. And many beginners start sending connection requests blindly. You have to understand that it’s not Facebook or other social networking platforms. If you want to grow a business, you have to play it tactically. 

One thing we love about LinkedIn is that you can send personalized connection requests. That means when you send someone a request, LinkedIn will show you a message option.

How To Network On Linkedin connection message

You can write a short message to stand out. It’s a great way to build a relationship as well. Try to keep your tone formal yet friendly to get the best response.

2. Explore Groups

As a newbie, finding people from the same industry can be a bit challenging. In that case, LinkedIn groups can be a big help. Yes, just like on Facebook, you will find topic-specific groups on this profession-based social site.

Joining LinkedIn groups will give you access to your target audiences. For example, if you are a freelance web designer, you can explore groups related to web development, blogging, and marketing. 

Besides getting potential clients and an industry-based circle, you will gain knowledge from these topic-specific groups. Make sure you review the rules and regulations before joining a group.

3. Publish Long-form Posts

LinkedIn’s algorithm works like magic if you input the right strategies. The best part about this social media platform is that it will show your post to everyone if it has a good number of likes, comments, and engagement.

Publishing a long-form post can add more value. Be sure you post something relevant and informative to grab your audience’s attention. Well, you don’t have to publish content on a daily basis. In that case, you can make a schedule.

4. Engage 

Don’t you have enough time to write content? There’s a solution to growing your LinkedIn audience. Engage more with your existing connections. It takes a few seconds to write a comment, which can be very effective. 

Similarly, publishing regular posts can increase your engagement as well. Include hashtags with every post to get better engagement. In fact, it will increase your online visibility as well.

5. Republish Articles 

LinkedIn is a publishing platform, and you can attract your audience by publishing articles. Well, if you have a blog, you can even republish your articles on this platform. When you republish your article, it can be seen by the entire LinkedIn community. So, it will also drive traffic to your website. Don’t forget to include the article’s URL while republishing.

6. Play With Keywords

When you put keywords in your profile, it will be easy for everyone to find you on LinkedIn. Well, there are three places you can input keywords; the heading section, your profile summary, and the experience section.

How To Make Connections On Linkedin keywords

For example, if you run a business, you have to input the right keywords in the heading section. Make sure that all the keywords are placed naturally. Hence, it’s one of the best ideas in this ‘how to make connections on LinkedIn’ guide.

7. Improve Visual Content

We know that content is king. Besides text content, visual content is getting more popular day by day. And LinkedIn is also getting along with visual content. Well, in this case, the infographic format is more effective than videos. 

Wrapping Up

You don’t need rocket science to grow your LinkedIn profile. We have exemplified how to network on LinkedIn with some pro tips. Simply put, you need a lot of dedication and patience to build a good circle on this social media site. So, don’t rush anything. Be consistent and execute these tips to get the best result.

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