How to Increase Productivity: 10 Smart Hacks For Freelancers

How to Increase Productivity

Freelancing sounds like a lucrative profession, but it has some drawbacks as well. Most freelancers face some common issues at some point. In this case, productivity is a crucial factor. If you are looking for guidance on how to increase productivity, you are in the right place.

You might know that freelancing is the future of the digital world. As per a report, the gig economy is on pace to cross the $455 billion mark in 2023. However, most independent professionals, especially newbies, find it hard to improve productivity. 

Working on productivity isn’t that hard. In this post, you will learn how to improve productivity by implementing some smart hacks. Let’s get started.

How to Improve Productivity as a Freelancer

A freelancer has to do a lot of work. From researching a new topic to making invoices, it can be challenging. The good part is that you can change it by following a routine. That’s why improving productivity can help you out. Here is our list of selected methods to increase productivity: 

1. Use a Calendar

When you are up for achieving small goals, you have to plan your day beforehand. In this case, you have to maintain a calendar. Well, there are several calendar apps or scheduling apps available right now. 

Our favorite is Google Calendar. You don’t need to install any extension or app to use this tool. On the other hand, Calendly is a great app for scheduling.

2. Focus on One Task at a Time

Multitasking is cool. But it can be a huge reason for distraction. When you start doing more than one task, it results in constant interruption. As per the National Library of Medicine’s research, our brain is switching back and forth between tasks while multitasking.

Simply put, multitasking drains energy and reduces productivity. To avoid multitasking, you can implement the Pomodoro technique, which is very effective.

how to increase productivity
Photo: AttendanceBot

However, it doesn’t mean you can’t do two tasks at a time. In fact, doing some specific things can increase your productivity. For example, if you are a freelance writer, listening to soothing songs can improve your productivity.

3. Eliminate Distractions

In today’s world, distraction is a common thing. Getting distracted by small things is nothing new, be it social media or TV. Well, it’s okay to have some free time. However, it can also disturb your schedule at some point.

When you are a freelancer, the first thing you have to do is block all sources that distract you. For example, if it’s your smartphone, make sure you keep it away from your desk.

4. Organize Your Working Space

As most independent professionals prefer a personal working space, it needs to be more organized. Well, decorating your desk depends on your personality and profession.

how to improve productivity

For example, if you are a graphic designer, you can add more color to your workspace. For a copywriter, one color texture works perfectly. It can boost your productivity. In fact, you can decorate your desk with certificates or memorabilia.

5. Avoid an Unrealistic Workload

One of the best things about being a freelancer is that you can manage your workload. We know it can be a bit challenging, especially when it comes to the deadline. However, when you are looking for how to increase productivity, you have to avoid unrealistic workloads.

As a result, it can be the cause of burnout. However, there’s a solution as well. If you have work pressure, you can even build a team. Most pro freelancers build a team to increase work efficiency. 

6. Take Passion Projects

Yes, most freelancers take on different types of projects. However, all projects are good for everyone. For example, if you are a cryptocurrency writer, you wouldn’t love to write academic assignments. 

As a result, it will decrease your productivity level. The best way to avoid this is by taking on passion projects. If you are a newbie, make sure you choose those niches you like. Finding the right clients can be difficult at the initial stage, but it will help you improve productivity.

7. Anti Socialize

Socialization is good. When you are connecting with the right people, it can help you a lot. However, most people waste time scrolling through social media. As per a report, 9 out of 10 internet users use social media platforms every month.

Social media is a huge distraction when you are doing something creative. So, try to avoid social media as much as possible. In fact, you can also turn off notifications to focus on your work.

8. Set Small Project Goals

Freelancing isn’t an easy thing at all. You have to keep everything planned out beforehand. As there are so many things you need to complete, the best way to do so is by setting small goals.

We have seen how newbie freelancers struggle with work pressure, which reduces their productivity as well. But, when you take small steps at a time, you can improve your work quality.

9. Take Small Breaks

When we are talking about how to increase productivity, there are so many things you can implement. As we noted before, freelancing is associated with creativity. If you are not taking breaks, it will be the cause of burnout.

Now, you can do anything when you are taking a break. It can be listening to songs or talking to your best friend on phone, the choice is yours. When you take small breaks, you will see a difference in your performance.

10. Meditate

Most freelancers are good at multitasking. Well, it can have a negative effect on physical and mental health. On the other hand, distraction is another huge factor. As a result, you will perform poorly. In this case, meditation can be the savior.

The best part is, you don’t need to do a lot of things. Just take 10 minutes and you will see the changes in your life. In this case, always try to meditate during the early morning to get the best outcome.

Wrapping Up

Being a freelancer is amazing. If you want to achieve everything with your freelancing business, you have to be more disciplined. In this case, being productive is also essential. That’s why you need to follow these crucial tips to give a killer performance.

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