How to Become a Freelance Technical Writer: Complete Guide to Skyrocket Your Career

How to Become a Freelance Technical Writer

The sudden trend toward AI tools slowed down multiple industries. But what about technical writers? Is it the right time to pursue a career in this domain? In this ‘how to become a freelance technical writer’ guide, we will explore some remarkable points that will help you build a stable career.

Since the launch of ChatGPT, it has become a hot topic for everyone. According to an official report, ChatGPT crossed 1 million users within 5 days of launch, making it the fastest-growing platform in history. As the AI tool affected a large portion of the freelance writing industry, there are so many questions.

However, this change can be a boon for technical writers. Yes, even though AI tools can generate generic articles, they are not that advanced for writing technical papers. Moreover, there are so many variations in technical writing. Keep reading our guide and start a killer freelance career.

What is Technical Writing?

How To Become A Technical Writer

Freelance writing doesn’t mean blog posts or social media drafts. Any form of writing can be done by freelancing. In simple words, freelance technical writers work on highly technical projects. As per some studies, most web development, engineering, and similar industries have a demand for technical writers.

Types of Technical Writing

The best part of technical writing is that there are different sub-domains you can choose from. Well, there are no limitations, as most freelancers prefer working on at least 3–4 niches from here. In the following section of the ‘how to become a technical writer’ guide, we will share the key types of technical writing:

1. Technical Articles

The technical article is an editorial piece focused on a specific product. It is, after all, the most common section of technical writing. That’s the reason why a huge percentage of newbies choose this domain over others. Plus, almost all clients have projects on technical articles.

3. Technical Guides

Another common type of technical writing is guide writing. In short, you can also call these pieces how-to handbooks. A writer has to work on a manual for users. Most technical guides are published on regular blogs, websites, and magazines. Moreover, some companies also write manual guidebooks for certain products

4. Procedure & Policy Pages

Some companies can also hire technical writers to produce hiring procedures, work from home policies, workplace guides, employee benefit packages, and more. These types of projects are available for the government, education, and healthcare sectors. However, this niche is quite less popular compared to others. 

5. White Papers

Most technical writers have experience working in the B2B industry. White papers are very essential documents for the B2B industry. A white paper can have a length of 5 to 15 pages and explain the product or service solution of a company. 

The best part is that this type of writing can give you lucrative earnings. In fact, you can find a project that costs $10,000 or more. However, you have to do more research to write white papers.

6. Corporate Reports

A corporate report is an essential part of a company. Most B2B and technical startups hire freelance technical writers to write annual reports, quarterly reports, and some other reports regarding different events.

Top Skills You Need to Become a Technical Writer

How To Become A Freelance Technical Writer skills

It’s clear that technical writing is a high-ticket domain. And you can win top clients by mastering some advanced skills. Keep reading the following list to explore the top skills of a technical writer:

Technical Expertise — Most freelance writing domains don’t require formal training or education. However, things are not the same with technical writing. Most clients prefer hiring someone with at least a bachelor’s degree. However, you can win more high-ticket clients by developing skills. Plus, working experience is another valuable requirement.

Project Management — Technical writing requires patience, deep understanding, and in-depth niche knowledge. That means you can handle a lot of projects in this career, especially as a newbie. So, project management is a crucial skill you have to master from the beginning.

Editing — No matter what your niche is, you have to be a pro editor in your writing career. Simply put, a good project depends on editing. However, editing is a skill that you can polish with experience. Still, you need to understand the basics.

Written Communication — Most companies hire a technical writer to make things easier. Or, we can say you have to teach the audience the use of a complex technical product. Master this skill by reading various technical writings. In fact, you can get help from some books.

Marketing — Marketing is the base of a freelancing career. You have to market your service to get high-ticket clients. Now, there are various places to market yourself. However, social media can give an effective result.

Freelance Technical Writer Salary 

According to a study, a freelance technical writer earns more than a generic writer. As per ZipRecruiter’s report, a freelance writer earns around $61,000 annually, while a technical writer can earn around $70,000 annually.


Source: ZipRecruiter

Another study says that the average income of a freelance technical writer is between $75,000 and $133,000 per year.

Top Benefits of Becoming a Freelance Technical Writer

Why should you choose a career like freelance technical writing? See, most writers prefer remote positions or freelancing rather than a full-time format. In the following section, you will learn about the top advantages of choosing this path. Let’s find out:

  • Flexible Schedule

According to a survey, almost 68% of freelancers prefer the remote work style over the traditional job format. And flexibility is one of the top reasons. When you choose the freelancing model, it can increase your productivity and income. In short, it gives you freedom, and you can control your schedule.

  • High-Income Potential

Many people misunderstand the potential of freelance writing. It’s not a side hustle at all, especially when it’s in the technical domain. In fact, a technical writer can earn three times more than a normal office employee.

  • Variety of Projects

We have already discussed the variety of technical writing. That means you will get different types of projects in your career. From government to IT, you can choose clients from various industries. The best part about freelancing is that you are not limited to one industry. 

  • Work-life Balance

By reading the ‘how to become technical writer’ guide, you can understand that it gives you complete freedom. You have a chance to schedule everything in your daily life. In short, the format is suitable for a healthy work-life balance.

How to Become a Freelance Technical Writer

Even though becoming a freelance technical writer takes a lot of dedication, you have to follow a process to build this career. And you shouldn’t miss any steps here. Keep exploring the steps of how to become a freelance technical writer in the following:

Step 1: Choose a Niche

By reading this ‘how to become a freelance technical writer’ guide, you can understand that technical writing has various niches. To start this career, it’s best to choose a niche first. However, if you want high-ticket clients, you can choose the niche of your work background.

For example, if you have worked as an app developer, choosing this niche can be the best solution. Moreover, you can also choose specialized projects such as corporate reports or white papers.

Step 2: Build a Portfolio

A portfolio is essential for any freelancer. And when you have a strong portfolio, you can get top-notch projects. Well, it’s not that hard to build a writing portfolio. You can either use some free websites like Medium or create your own portfolio website.

Even though you are a rookie and don’t have clients, you can write some samples and add them to your portfolio. In simple words, a portfolio builds trust in your abilities.

Step 3: Work on Personal Branding

When it comes to how to become a freelance technical writer, we can’t miss out on the step of personal branding. Yes, every freelancer should work on personal branding to skyrocket their business.

The best way to work on your personal branding is by creating a website. And it’s more than a simple portfolio website. You have to add some essential pages for service packages, contacts, and work samples.

If you don’t want to invest in creating a website, you can choose social media platforms as an alternative. Create a page and start promoting your service on these social media sites.

Step 4: Reach Out to Potential Clients

Social media isn’t the only place to get clients. If you are serious about technical writing, you have to approach potential clients as well, especially during the initial days. Now, there are so many ways to find industry leaders.

How To Become A Freelance Technical Writer clients

In this case, cold emailing can be the best solution. Or, you can also create an account on various freelancing marketplaces such as Fiverr or Upwork. Apply to the job postings to find a suitable project.

Step 5: Negotiate Rates

Negotiating rates is another crucial step in this ‘how to become a technical writer’ guide. During the initial days, your rate will be low. However, you have to change it with time and experience. 

On the other hand, submitting a project proposal is another story. If someone wants to hire you, make sure you ask everything about their budget and business plans. It will be a bit difficult at first, but you can understand everything by doing some research.

Step 6: Finalize Contracts 

So, you have won your first technical writing client. Here comes the most important part – signing a contract. We have seen how new freelancers face issues for not signing a contract. You can’t make the same mistake.

If your client isn’t asking for a contract, you have to initiate the discussion. Simply put, a contract will give you details on ownership, deadlines, project policies, payment terms, and more.

Wrapping Up

Without a doubt, technical writing is a promising career option. The best part is that you can start the journey with basic technical knowledge. However, mastering top skills is also essential to winning high-ticket projects. For more details regarding how to become a technical writer, do some research or network with experts.

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