7+ Common Mistakes New Freelancers Make And How To Avoid Them

7+ Common Mistakes New Freelancers Make And How To Avoid Them

Every single person makes a career mistake. As a newbie freelancer, you can easily fall into a trap. Well, there are some common mistakes new freelancers make during the initial days. So, you are not the only one.

If you’ve made a mistake, it’s okay. We will provide the best solutions. Or, if you haven’t started your career, that’s excellent news. 

By reading this article, you can understand the drawbacks of the freelancing industry and how to deal with them. As noted before, we will share the common mistakes of new freelancers. So, let’s get started.

These Common Mistakes New Freelancers Make

Freelancing is like a one-man army. From pitching to invoicing, you have to handle everything together. That’s why it’s not suitable for everyone. 

Sure, you can skyrocket your career by choosing this path. But it’s not as smooth as it seems. In the following section, we will discover the common mistakes new freelancers make. By reading these points, you can avoid these mistakes:

#1 Missing Deadlines

Missing deadlines is the best way to lose potential clients. No matter how dedicated you are or how great your work quality is, punctuality matters a lot. We know most freelancing fields have creative aspects, and it takes time.

Common Mistakes New Freelancers Make

If you are having issues adhering to deadlines, discuss them with your clients beforehand. Plus, respecting the deadline means you will gain respect from your clients. 

The best way to avoid missing deadlines is by setting your own. It’s not a one-day practice. You have to learn how to maintain the schedule. Plus, don’t take on too many projects as a newbie.

#2 Working Without Contract

Yes, you can find many clients who don’t provide a contract. However, it can be pretty risky for your career. Even though the client is trustworthy and you came to a verbal agreement, a contract can increase the value of your service. 

Being too trusting can backfire on your career, especially when you are a beginner. If your client initiates a contract, it’s a good sign. If not, you have to ask for it while discussing the project.

The best part of signing a contract is that it will include the expectations of both sides. In short, a contract can protect your service. The same goes for your client. So, it’s a win-win situation.

#3 Applying For All Jobs

Freelancing is very tempting for new people, and we blame some pro freelancers for creating a delusion. Yes, you can earn a lot by choosing this path, but it takes a lot of hard work and patience. 

So, we have seen many new freelancers start applying for different jobs blindly. Every client has different requirements, and they make everything clear in the job posting. 

Before you apply for the job, you need to understand the requirements. Don’t go for those projects that are not suitable for you.

#4 Working on Low-paying Projects

Every single freelancer has a funny low-paying story, especially during the initial days. Sure, nobody’s going to pay you a huge amount for your first project. 

But that doesn’t mean you will only apply for low-paying jobs. Low-paying projects are a quick solution when you are financially desperate. 

However, it will only ruin your potential in the long run. Even if you choose a low-paying job during the initial days, you have to come out of your comfort zone sooner or later. Besides that, low-paying jobs aren’t good for your portfolio.

#5 Losing Work-life Balance

work life balance

As we noted before, freelancing means you have to handle everything on your own. Being your own boss isn’t a dreamy thing at all. And that’s the reason why most new freelancers mess up with their work-life balance.

However, we can’t blame freelancers here. When someone starts working with clients, they need to meet their requirements. It gets hard to maintain a work-life balance. However, you can improve it by maintaining a proper schedule.

#6 Low Communication 

Communication is a massive problem when you work remotely. It can be hard when time differences are involved. In fact, you can lose a project because of poor communication.

We don’t suggest anyone put a mobile phone under their pillow. However, you have to check everything regularly. Plus, keep your clients updated to make a good impression. It will help you become their go-to freelancer.

#7 Not Setting Financial Goals

Most freelancers make a common mistake when setting financial goals. Even though freelancing is a lucrative format, you have to be extra careful about money management.

As a newbie, make sure you set some financial goals. It will help you grow your career. However, don’t go for unrealistic things. Taking baby steps is the best way to skyrocket a freelancing career.

#8 Not Having a Marketing Strategy

Not having a marketing strategy is one of the most common mistakes new freelancers make. You own a business, and all businesses need a marketing strategy. 

If you are ready to become a freelancer, start marketing your service from day one. There are so many ways to implement your marketing strategy. In this case, you can choose from various social media platforms, including LinkedIn or Twitter. 

Plus, creating a profile on freelancing marketplaces is another good idea. If you want to take your career to another level, don’t forget to create a portfolio site featuring your services.


It takes a lot of dedication and hard work to build a freelancing career. So, making mistakes is very common for freelancers. You just have to learn from your mistakes and implement a better strategy. Keep networking with other freelancers to understand their methods.

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